The sequel to the arcade game, Foxy Jumper 2, is a colorful and addictive platformer. In this sequel, your objective is to reach the door and collect treasures. You'll have to use all your skills to make it out alive, and the enemies in this game are far smarter than ever before. If you die, you'll be reset to level 8, so you'll have to use your best strategy to survive the levels.
Unlike the first game, this platform game can be played in two-player mode. You'll have to collect gifts to unlock the next level, and you'll have to beat the clever enemies to get there. You'll also have access to many items and power-ups to help you out. Once you get to the final level, you can then proceed to the next level, which will require you to collect all the treasures.
Despite being a budget title, Foxy Jumper 2 is still a lot of fun. It is similar to other games in the genre, including Tetris, Solitaire, and Free Cell. The graphics in this game are cartoonish and clean, and the characters are easily recognizable. The game requires Windows 98, WinME, or Windows 2000 to play. To play this game on PC, make sure you download the game and run it.